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LGBTQIA+ Communities

Georges River is home to a range of diverse communities. We value our strong relationship with those who live, visit, play, and work in our local government area. This includes the Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Trans, Queer, Intersex, Agender, Asexual and Ally (LGBTQIA+) communities in Georges River. We have built relationships with local organisations, consulted with the community, and work to eliminate discrimination and provide a safe environment for all.   

Welcome Here  

We pride ourselves in being a Safe Place by supporting the Welcome Here Project

This project supports organisations throughout Australia to create and promote environments that are welcoming and inclusive. We encourage local businesses to register

Pride Month  

We support local initiatives to celebrate Pride Month events in June each year. Previously, we have celebrated with rainbow pride flags and banners, a rainbow crossing, and rainbow lighting throughout the Georges River area. We have also celebrated Rainbow Storytime and supported the LGBTQIA+ Forum for staff working with Culturally and Linguistically Diverse clients as part of our commitment to Pride Month.  

LGBTQIA+ Resources   


​Grants and Sponsorship  

We offer grants and sponsorship programs which encourage community organisations to partner with us to help meet the needs of the community. If your group or organisation provides a service for local LGBTQIA+ communities, you may be eligible for funding support. Please visit our Community Grants page for more information.  

Support Services   

For more information about, see our Community Support Service Directory page.


For information about Council’s programs and support for LGBTQIA+ communities, contact Council’s Community Capacity Building Team on (02) 9330 6400 or by email at

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