Aussie Bird Count
The 2024 Aussie Bird Count is from Monday 14 October to Sunday 20 October 2024. Council wants your help recording what birds are where! Register here and record all local birds you see in your backyard or favourite park.
Georges River is home to at least 113 native fauna species, of which most species are birds. There are also populations of swamp wallabies, possums, frogs, flying-foxes and microbats. The 2021 Biodiversity Study recorded 8 threatened species, 3 of which have never previously been recorded in the LGA. Those species are listed in the table below, with * indicating species never before recorded.
Council has adopted a Wildlife Protection Area Policy which declares 19 Category 2 wildlife protection areas in Council managed bushland reserves. Category 2 wildlife protection areas prohibit cats as per section 30(1)(b) of the NSW Companion Animals Act 1998. Dogs that are on a leash will be permitted on formed tracks, pathways or roads in Category 2 lands. The Neighbourhood Maps contain maps of the declared wildlife protection areas. You can find out more information on the following plants and animals below.
Flying-foxes are important pollinators of our plants and crops which makes them vital to the health and regeneration of our native plants.
The Powerful Owl is Australia’s largest owl with an impressive wingspan and regularly sighted in the suburbs of Georges River.
Georges River has records of several threatened shorebirds that use our important wetlands, saltmarsh and mudflats for feeding.
Magpies are a native, protected species and their iconic warbling call is part of the Australian landscape.
Georges River is home to several threatened ecological communities. Information on local native plants, including how to receive your own free native plants and increase biodiversity.
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