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Council Plans and Strategies

The Community Strategic Plan "CSP" or "The Plan" is the most important legislated plan that sits above all Council’s other plans. It identifies the community’s main priorities for the future of Georges River LGA and covers a period of at least 10 years from when the CSP is endorsed.

The Community Strategic Plan "CSP" Easy Read Version is also available.

Council conducted a program of community engagement to review the CSP. The Community Strategic Plan and associated documents were adopted by Council on 27 June 2022.

It takes into account the resources that will be realistically available through the Long Term Financial Plan. The implementation of the CSP is supported by a suite of plans that include actions to support the strategies identified in the CSP:

  • The Delivery Program is a four year plan that sets out the strategies from the CSP that will be priorities for the current council term. The Operational Plan is an Annual plan containing detailed actions from the Delivery Program.

  • ​The Resourcing Strategy has four main parts. A workforce management plan, an asset management plan, digital resource management plan and Council’s long-term financial plan.

​Both plans are available on our Delivery Program and Operational Plan page.

Please view the CSP video we have prepared below.

Please find the Community Strategic Plan "CSP" Easy Read flip book below.

You can view the Council policies that underpin the plans and strategies here.

The Planning Strategies and Studies can be viewed here.

Other Plans and Strategies

A list of other publications have been included in the table below.

Community Engagement Strategy

The Georges River Council Community Engagement Strategy sets out our commitment to engagement with the community. It establishes guiding principles to ensure community engagement is purposeful, timely, genuine, inclusive and transparent.

Community Infrastructure Needs Assessment and Acquisition Area Strategy

This study provides strategic guidance around open space and community facility provision with a focus
on the identification of gaps in provision at an LGA level and local areas that should be a focus for
future provision. 

Create Georges River Cultural Strategy

Create Georges River articulates ideas and aspirations on developing and supporting arts and culture in the Georges River over the next ten years.

Customer Experience Strategy 2022-27

Our intention is to provide our customers with excellent, responsive and appropriate service delivery. The purpose of this Strategy is to provide a framework for building and embedding successful, appropriate and sustainable customer service delivery across Council. It details the actions we need to complete to continuously improve our customers’ experience.

Customer Experience Charter

This document outlines: what customers can expect from Council; and how customers can access information, provide feedback, request a service or make suggestions to help us improve our services.

This document has been introduced as part of Council’s Customer Experience Strategy 2022-27.

Disability Inclusion Action Plan

Our Disability Inclusion Action Plan (DIAP) 2022-2026 is our commitment to creating a more equitable community. This is our second DIAP and outlines meaningful actions we will undertake to build a more inclusive and accessible Georges River, including improved access to facilities, events and activities.

Early Learning Services Strategy

The Early Learning Services Strategy 2021 - 2031 is a document to guide the development of our Early Learning Services into the future. It is a framework for the actions we will take over the next ten years to enhance our services to meet the needs of our community.

Economic Development Strategy

Georges River’s Economic Development Strategy highlights and builds on the economic and competitive advantages of doing or having a business in Georges River. Our centres are some of the most accessible in Sydney. Kogarah, for example, was recently ranked as the 16th most accessible centre in Greater Sydney[1].

Enterprise Risk Management Strategy

The Georges River Council Risk Management Strategy sets out Council’s response to strategic risks, which are those things that can inhibit our organisations ability to achieve our strategic objectives.

The effective implementation of this strategy will ensure that Council has the capability to minimise the risk to services and maximise our capacity to achieve our strategic goals. It is recognised that, to
be effective, risk management must become part of Council’s integrated corporate strategy, and business plans and everyday activities rather than operating in isolation.

Environmental Resilience Action Plan

The Action Plan is an operational document focusing primarily on how Council intends to reduce its own environmental footprint (e.g. water, energy, materials).

The Action Plan combines the extensive work already undertaken by Council in preparing for Climate Change through the adoption of net zero carbon emissions and renewable energy targets and seeks to reinforce Council’s commitment to lead by example.

Events and Festivals Charter

The purpose of this Charter is to define a framework for Council and external events for the greater benefit to the Georges River Community.

Georges River 2050 Leading for Change

The 2050 vision reflects Council aspirations based on engagement undertaken on a variety of strategies and provides council leadership in response to a broader agenda and the big shifts needed for a more sustainable future.

This strategy is our commitment to the city that we will a positive leader for change, despite the challenges we are faced with at present and in the future.

Hurstville Place Strategy 

The Hurstville Place Strategy has been developed to provide a vision, priority projects and key actions to achieve the goal of Hurstville becoming the 'heart of the city'. The strategy outlines key projects that will transform Hurstville through innovative, economic, cultural and infrastructure improvement projects. 

Innovation Strategy

Georges River Local Government Area (LGA) is on the pathway towards an innovative future. Working together, we will discover new ideas, we will facilitate creative responses, and we will find solutions that are socially, environmentally and economically sustainable. 

A culture of innovation lies at the heart of accommodating and implementing our change, it promotes a growth mindset and responds to our ever-changing world. By injecting innovation into our everyday - our interactions and processes, as well as our local places and spaces - we will be a ‘leader for change’. 

Interim Community Property Strategy 2020-23 

The Georges River Council Interim Community Property Strategy 2020-2023 guides the development and management of Georges River Council’s Community Property portfolio. The Strategy addresses the Community Property portfolio’s capacity to meet existing and emerging community needs and to help achieve Council’s objectives.

Kogarah Investment Attraction Strategy 

Building on Kogarah’s existing strengths and areas of specialisation which sets it apart from other health and education precincts, the draft strategy presents a fact-based narrative for Kogarah as a precinct for ‘Four R’s’. The Four R’s will act as the pillars to build the foundation of a Kogarah Health, Innovation and Education Precinct (HEIP).

Libraries Georges River Library Strategy

Libraries 2030 is a document to guide the development of our public library services to 2030. The strategy is a framework for the policies we will make and the actions we will take over the next ten years to align what we do with what our community needs.

Night Time Economy Study

The purpose of this Study is to examine the size and character of the existing night time economy in Georges River while investigating opportunities and initiatives to enhance activation over the next four years. Legislative frameworks, the strategic direction of Council, input from industry leaders, good practice approaches to activating and managing the night, outcomes from local surveys and community interests and ideas have been taken into consideration in the planning of this study.

Open Space, Recreation and Community Facilities Strategy 2019 - 2036

This strategy provides high-level direction for community centres, libraries, open space, sport and recreation facilities, athletics and aquatic facilities in the Georges River area. The document is structured in three substantive parts.

Property Asset Strategy and Business Plan

Council's Property Asset Strategy and Business Plan aligns Council's real assets to the Community Strategic Plan deliverables and manages the income generated from the property portfolio to secure the long term financial health of the organisation.

Reputation Strategy

This strategy outlines the reputation that Council seeks to build, and how this can be delivered at every touch point with the community and stakeholders.

Social Justice Charter

The Georges River Social Justice Charter aims to drive social change and to improve the lives of our community by building a culture of access and participation, respect, connection and empowerment, and equity for everyone. It provides a foundational guide to support Council to meet this aim.

Transport Strategy

The Transport Strategy was developed in alignment with the various State and Local Government strategies and plans. The Transport Strategy considers the existing and planned land uses and proposes integrated strategies to create high functioning places.

Waste Management Strategy

The Waste Strategy 2021-2040 outlines Council’s commitment to reducing waste to landfill, and increasing resource recovery and sustainable waste management practices. It outlines key actions for Council to implement and deliver sustainable future waste services.

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