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Mayoral Column - Tapping into local opportunities of the new national industry policy


Georges River is a Council committed to being future focused and ambitious. In the coming years, we will see pockets of the future emerge through strategic initiatives that support our region to be more accessible, green, diverse, and innovative.
Advocacy is a key role that local government can play for and with our local community. Advocacy creates the conditions by which positive change occurs. We can increase the momentum of change by having stronger and tighter alignments, which can be achieved through effective advocacy.
Over the past fortnight we have seen significant announcements from both the Federal Government, with the release of the 2024/25 Federal Budget, and a range of State Government announcements in the lead up to the delivery of their 2024-25 budget in June.
One of the key Federal Budget policy announcements is ‘Future Made in Australia’, a $23 billion national industry policy. There are opportunities for Georges River businesses and residents to be part of this story.
We have a suite of innovative businesses in Georges River who are at the frontier of change. Building capabilities for innovation at a local level creates a foundation for the future growth of the Kogarah Innovation and Health Precinct. To help our local businesses feel confident in exploring innovative practices, and potentially tap into the opportunities of the new national industry policy, Council is delivering an Innovation Summit in partnership with the Spark Festival in June.
The Spark Sydney South event will provide an opportunity for residents and local businesses to connect with like minds, share ideas and skills, and see emerging innovations in Georges River. The event will include a rapid innovation MVP (Minimum Viable Product) afternoon workshop and public forum summit. Register for this 20 June event soon on Council’s What’s On page.