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Fees and Charges

Council has approved fees and charges for a range of services we provide.

These Fees and Charges are reviewed each year and are placed on Your Say for public comment, before being adopted by council.

Please find Council's Adopted Fees and Charges for 2024-2025, as well as previous financial years below. 

All documents are searchable PDFs. Simply open the PDF document via the hyperlinks below and conduct a search using Control F (find).

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If you wish to raise a particular issue with us, we recommend you raise a Customer Service Request. This will ensure your matter is scheduled with the appropriate teams and will allow you to track the progress of the issue.


We monitor all feedback and endeavour to use your comments to improve our website. Please include your email address.


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Your feedback allows us to measure our customers' satisfaction with our website content.

If you wish to raise a particular issue with us, we recommend you raise a Customer Service Request. This will ensure your matter is scheduled with the appropriate teams and will allow you to track the progress of the issue.

Thank you for your feedback.