Disputes about pruning or removing trees on private land (within yours and your neighbour's land boundaries) must be resolved between neighbours.
Discuss with your Neighbour
It is important to discuss your concerns with your neighbour as they may be unaware of issues with their tree. This can result in an easy solution to the matter.
You can apply to Council for approval to prune neighbour's branches that overhang your property back to your boundary line, however, your neighbour’s consent is required where overhanging branches are to be pruned further back than your boundary line, ie further back into your neighbour's boundary line.
Only the owner of a tree or their delegated representative may lodge an application for tree removal.
It is a matter between the residents to decide who removes and pays for works to be completed.
Seek Mediation
If your neighbour does not agree with your proposal, or you cannot agree on who is responsible for paying pruning or removal costs, you can seek mediation.
Trained mediators can help neighbours achieve an outcome that is satisfactory to all parties. This service is provided by a Community Justice Centre.
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