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Georges River Council Local Infrastructure Contributions Plan 2021 (Section 7.11 and Section 7.12)

Georges River Council at its meeting on 25 October 2021 resolved to adopt the Georges River Council Local Infrastructure Contributions Plan 2021 (Section 7.11 and Section 7.12).

The Plan came into effect on Wednesday 1 December 2021. It has repealed the Council’s existing six Section 7.11 Plans and one Section 7.12 Plan on this date. Please view the details on Council’s existing plans.

The Plan applies to land in the Georges River Local Government Area. It has been prepared to address anticipated demand for public facilities and services generated by new development up to 2036.

The Plan will enable Council and accredited certifiers to levy Section 7.11 contributions and Section 7.12 levies on development in the LGA towards the provision of public amenities and facilities.

Copies of the Plan are available at Georges River Civic Centre. Located on Corner MacMahon and Dora Streets, Hurstville. Open between 8.30am and 5.00pm, Monday to Friday.

Where a s7.12 levy is required under this plan in relation to a condition of development consent or application for a CDC, the application is to be accompanied by a Cost Summary Report. Prepared at the applicant’s cost, setting out an estimate of the proposed cost of carrying out the development.

  • For developments with an estimated cost up to $750,000. A template Cost Summary Report is available for download.
  • For developments with an estimated cost of above $750,000. A template Detailed Cost Summary Report is available for download.
  • Where complying development certificates need to be issued with a condition requiring payment of section 7.11 or section 7.12 contributions. A template condition is available.

Enquiries and questions about the Plan can be directed to Council’s Senior Development Contributions Planner on (02) 9330 9438.

Plan Overview

The development to which these contributions plans apply is outlined in the tables below.

Residential developments

Development type Contribution type that applies
Residential subdivision Section 7.11 contribution
Residential flat buildings Section 7.11 contribution
Shop top housing Section 7.11 contribution
Dual occupancies, multi dwelling housing Section 7.11 contribution
Dwelling houses, semi-detached dwellings, attached dwellings on land that was not the subject of a s7.11 contribution on the initial subdivision Section 7.11 contribution
Secondary dwellings Section 7.11 contribution with a 50 per cent discount
Dwelling houses, semi-detached dwelling, attached dwelling Section 7.12 levy
Alterations and additions to residential accommodation including dwelling houses, semi-detached dwellings, attached dwellings Section 7.12 levy
Boarding houses, group homes, hostels Section 7.11 contribution on a per-person basis
Seniors living (self-contained units) Section 7.11 contribution
Seniors living (integrated residential care facilities) Section 7.12 levy

Non residential developments

Development type Contribution type that applies
Non-residential development within Kogarah Town Centre and Hurstville City Centre, excluding educational facilities and tourist and visitor accommodation Section 7.11 contribution                                              
Non-residential developments in areas other than Kogarah Town Centre and Hurstville City Centre Section 7.12 levy
Change from one non-residential use to another with or without fit out  Section 7.12 levy
Educational facilities (when not built by a public authority) Section 7.12 levy
Tourist and visitor accommodation Section 7.12 levy
Parking deficient - non residential development in commercial centres Section 7.11 contribution
All other development not included in either table above Section 7.12 levy

Contribution Rates

The below contribution rates are the indexed values of the contributions, calculated using the March Quarter 2024 value for CPI for All Groups (Sydney Average). This value is 137.7.

Section 7.11 Residential Rates

Broad category Per equivalent resident Per secondary dwelling (1 bedroom) Per secondary dwelling (2 bedroom Per seniors living (self-contained units) Per bedsit studio or 1 bed dwelling Per 2 bed dwelling Per 3 or more bed dwelling / per residential lot
Open space facilities             $6,730.46 $5,451.49 $8,069.40 $8,008.28 $10,904.13 $13,958.00 $13,958.00
Community and recreational facilities $2,123.16 $1,721.83 $2,546.41 $2,526.81 $3,442.50 $4,404.00 $4,404.00
Traffic and Transport facilities $219.12 $177.60 $262.94 $260.64 $355.21 $455.00 $455.00
Public domain $461.31 $373.66 $552.42 $548.95 $747.32 $957.00 $957.00
Plan administration $108.41 $88.80 $130.32 $129.17 $176.45 $226.00 $226.00
Total $9,642.46 $7,813.38 $11,561.49 $11,473.85 $15,625.61 $20,000.00 $20,000.00

Section 7.11 Non-residential Rates

Broad category Per worker (in Hurstville City Centre & Kogarah Town Centre) Per deficient car parking space in non-residential developments
Open space facilities $1,345.86  - 
Community and recreational facilities $350.59 -
Traffic and transport facilities $219.12 -
Public domain $461.31 -
Plan administration $108.41 -
Car parking and related facilities - $37,995.51
Total $2,485.29 $37,995.51

Section 7.12 Rates

Development that has a proposed cost of carrying out the development Levy Rate                  
Up to and including $100,000 Nil
More than $100,000 and up to and including $200,000 0.5% of that cost
More than $200,000 1% of that cost

Note: For applications where section 7.11 or section 7.12 may be applicable, if the application of a section 7.12 contribution to the whole development yields a higher contribution amount than the application of a section 7.11 contribution, then a section 7.12 levy shall be imposed on the whole development.


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