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Ramsgate Village


Ramsgate Village
193-199 Rocky Point Road, 66-68 Ramsgate Road and 2-6 Targo Road, Ramsgate.


Point Gate Developments Pty Ltd.

Rezoning Review

A rezoning review request was lodged with the Department of Planning and Environment (DPE) by Urbis Pty Ltd on behalf of the applicant in July 2022, for consideration by the Sydney South Planning Panel (SSPP). The applicant requested a rezoning review because Council failed to indicate its support for the proposal 90 days after the request to prepare a planning proposal was submitted.

The rezoning review sought the following amendments to the Georges River LEP 2021, to enable mixed-use development and publicly accessible open space on the subject site:

  • Amend the zoning from part R4 High Density Residential and part B2 Local Centre to B2 Local Centre.
  • Amend the building height from part 15 metres and part 21 metres to part 9 metres, part 15 metres, part 24 metres and part 29 metres.
  • Amend the floor space ratio (FSR) from part 2.5:1 and part 1.5:1 to 2.76:1 above ground and 0.84:1 below ground (supermarket incentive floorspace).
  • Introduce site-specific provisions under Part 6 of the GRLEP 2021 relating to the application of the maximum permitted height and FSR controls in order to allow greater flexibility for future development on the site to provide roof top communal open space.
  • Reclassify Council owned Lot 301 DP 1142822 (76.1 sqm) from ‘community land’ to ‘operational land’ to enable future acquisition from Council and eventual redevelopment of the land and insert details into ‘Schedule 4 Classification and reclassification of public land’ of the GRLEP 2021.

Council was invited to provide comments and/or additional information on the proposal for consideration by the SSPP when deciding whether the proposal should proceed to Gateway. 


On 16 August 2022, the SSPP considered the rezoning review request along with the advice provided by Council and recommended that the proposal should not be submitted for a Gateway determination as it has not demonstrated site specific merit. Inadequate justification was provided for:

  • The traffic impacts.
  • The proposed height, FSR and setbacks.
  • The interface issues affecting the amenity of residential properties to the west, limited visibility of the public square, lack of deep soil landscaping and impacts on adjoining heritage properties.

The SSPP decision can be viewed in this Letter from NSW Planning Panel to Georges River Council.

Further Information

Rezoning Review documentation (18 July 2022).

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