Sewer blockages and overflows are usually caused by:
- Tree roots and soil entering damaged, cracked or broken pipes.
- Miscellaneous items being flushed or poured down the toilet or drains such as wet wipes, nappies, personal hygiene products, or fats, oils and grease, etc
- Stormwater entering the wastewater network and overloading it during heavy rainfall.
- Carrying out works that damage pipes.
When carrying out works, remember to always contact Sydney Water’s “Dial Before You Dig” before you do any excavation work in the yard.
If sewage is discharging onto the ground from a neighbour’s blocked or damaged sewer pipe, speak to your neighbour as they may not be aware it is happening, if communication fails lodge a service request with Council online or visit our Contact Us page.
Call a licensed plumber if you have a blockage in your private sewer pipes.
If the discharge is occurring in the street, or past your connection point, please contact Sydney Water on 132 090.
For more information see Council’s Sewer Overflow factsheet.
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